Dearest ChocoLovers,

I hope this finds you in good health, and that you know in your heart that Everything WILL be OK! I truly believe that we have the potential to turn this global crisis into a time of great metamorphosis. By turning our attention to preventative medicine and holistic wellness, we can shift the system.

In 2008, I began using chocolate as a carrier for medicinal herbs and superfoods my holistic health clients might otherwise neglect to take. Ingredients that might otherwise taste awful in a tea or tincture, or that might be taken in a gelatin capsule - are delivered very effectively and deliciously by the vasodilation of cacao.

In 2020, the true value of health - to the economy, to our freedom, to the very fabric of society - is finally being recognized… albeit under very regrettable circumstances. But sometimes, it takes hitting rock bottom for profound awakening to occur

Since its inception, Gnosis has worked hard to empower a shift in the marketplace towards healthier options, and I believe the natural products industry has accomplished so much! Now, I’ve launched a new project - HEROFOODS - to empower a shift in healthcare and law enforcement.

I believe in taking preventative measures by increasing our natural immune system, improving respiratory health, and finding peace within in the midst of this storm!

The saying, β€œNo pain no gain” does NOT apply to boosting your immune system. The rewards of things like diet modification, supplementation, fasting, time in nature, exercise, and mindfulness practices... they are instantaneous!

Once you make and keep a commitment in the realm of self-care, the old way of being loses its allure. Chemicals are released that prepare your body for good things to come. Especially when the things you’re doing to show yourself love taste delicious!

That’s why I make chocolate. Thank you SO much for your support over these past 12 YEARS! I would appreciate your feedback!

Your Chocolate Girl, Vanessa

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SuperChoc Bar SuperChoc Bar
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SuperChoc Elixir
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Immunity Bar πŸ₯‡ Immunity Bar πŸ₯‡
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Immunity Elixir Immunity Elixir
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