Creatures of all kinds feel the tremors of springtime’s return and respond to it in wild courtship. It’s a celebration of life, and bunnies bounce right back into the swing of spring!

Please click on the image of each bunny creation below for more detail!

Solid 3D Large Bunny Solid 3D Large Bunny Solid 3D Large Bunny Solid 3D Large Bunny Solid 3D Large Bunny Solid 3D Large Bunny
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from $14.00

The Encyclopedia Britannica tells us there are 29 species of bunnies, among them the Mini Lop, Thrianta, and Dwarf Hotot. May we call your attention to a 30th species - The majestic Gnosis 3D Bunny?

The Gnosis Bunny species incudes 4 subspecies, are 3-dimensional, and weigh 4 ounces when fully grown.

DARK: 70% raw cacao beans*, coconut sugar*
MYLK: raw cacao beans*, coconut sugar*, cashews*, coconut powder*, vanilla bean*, pink crystal salt*
WHYTE: coconut sugar*, raw cashews*, raw cacao butter*, coconut flour*, vanilla bean*, pink crystal salt
DATE: 70% raw cacao beans*, ground dates*

*denotes organic




This trio of truffle-bunnies must be napping; their ears resting on backs, blending into the soft fur covering dark chocolate shells filled with a silken raw vegan mylk chocolate creme of stone-ground raw cashew butter and low-glycemic coconut sugar. May we gently nestle them into a sweet little box and send them to you, your family, or your friends? They’ll arrive rested and ready to join in the festivities. Do invite them in!

INGREDIENTS: raw cacao beans*, raw cashew butter*, coconut sugar*, virgin coconut oil*, pink Himalayan salt, Love. *organic

100% Recycled Boxes - Green Way ® Eco-Friendly Packaging. Made in the USA from 100% recycled boxboard and outer wrap is 100% recycled paper.




A collection that includes all of our Bunnies! Nestled in eco-friendly grass, you’ll discover three Mylk Creme-Filled Bunnies, two Truffle Bunnies (Salted Caramel Pecan and Raspberry Dark), and one Large Solid Bunny of Your Choice: Mylk, Whyte, 70% Dark, or Date-sweetened.


“Hardly timid, the rabbit reminds us it takes a leap of fierce faith to be a parent. The rabbit is responsible for finding the right conditions to sustain her brood. That’s a great lesson for us. Whether up to the task or not, the least we can do is best prepare the way for what we are bringing into the world.” ~ Avia