Menorah Collection

Menorah Collection
A blue and white satin keepsake box unfolds to present three tiers of our Signature and Seasonal Truffles, and four created exclusively for this collection. The truffles number twelve; one for each of the eight days of Hanukkah, plus four more to honor the four matriarchs: Sarah, Rebekah, Leah, and Rachel. Please click here for flavor map and ingredients.
Created for this collection:
It was the miracle of olive oil that burned for eight days - instead of one -which inspired the creation of this truffle. Olive oil and caramel - strength and sweetness. In this truffle we see how successful can be the balance of these two life elements, seemingly opposites, but, in truth, two sides of the same shekel. You don’t have to be Jewish to delight in this truffle…but it doesn’t hurt!
“Halawa” means “sweet” in Arabic. Especially popular in Israel, where it’s enjoyed as breakfast, snack, and dessert, halvah’s centuries-old origins are claimed by nearly every Middle Eastern culture. How wonderful there’s at least one thing the entire Middle East can agree on! Like Israeli halvah, our Halvah Truffle is made of tahini, but is sweetened with low-glycemic coconut sugar, and is ensconced in our dark chocolate.
Eaten in Israel - and around the world - during Hanukkah, sufganiyot are a pillowy blend of beignets and donuts, deep-fried in oil, filled with jam or custard, and then topped with powdered sugar. Gnosis’ update on this millennia-old favorite: strawberry jam enveloped in a nourishing cashew-based custard, and our storied dark chocolate replacing the traditional powdered sugar topping. A new and inspired (re)creation that will have you and yours kvelling!
Surely, we all kvell as the menorah glows brighter each night, illuminating our rapt faces gathered ‘round, and conjuring up visions of the Hanukkah miracle.
That glow also generates a spiritual, electric charge that binds children, parents, and grandparents together we recount the miracle of the oil and the Maccabees and get in touch with the wonder of the past, of the present, and of life itself.
Just as surely, we all recall Hanukkahs of years past: candles (and who got to light them!), family, food, presents, gelt, spinning the dreidel...all of it. And we will gather later this month to retell the story and renew the tradition. This year, the Chanukah tradition has a new element: Gnosis brings us another Hanukkah miracle - on a smaller scale, to be sure! - but also quite memorable: the Menorah Collection.