Satin Love Truffles 💖

Satin Love Truffles 💖
These truffles arrive in a keepsake satin heart-shaped box, vibrating with a promise of pleasure to come. Their invitation is warm, their intent, clear: “Enjoy...”
Wild Rose
Golden Crème
3D Strawberry
Raspberry Dark
Mylk Crème
Dark Velvet
Crimson raspberries in a delightful sweet-tart jam with a velvety dark chocolate ganache - profound inspiration, intense flavor, and unmatched delight!
INGREDIENTS: raw cacao beans*, raw blue agave*, raspberries*, virgin coconut oil*, coconut sugar*
The hazelnut, an ancient symbol of luck and fertility, is one of the world’s most beloved pairings for chocolate.
INGREDIENTS: raw cacao beans*, raw hazelnuts*, raw cashews*, coconut sugar*, virgin coconut oil*
Our best-selling salted vanilla turmeric Golden Creme filling. Satisfies like peanut butter or cookie batter.
INGREDIENTS: raw cacao beans*, raw cashews*, coconut sugar*, virgin coconut oil*, raw blue agave*, lucuma*, turmeric*, vanilla bean*, maca*, eleuthero*, fleur de sel, burdock root*, 24k gold leaf
A raw Belizean cacao shell filled with a rich, velvety smooth ganache of raw Peruvian cacao, and decorated with raw Madagascan cacao.
INGREDIENTS: raw cacao beans*, raw blue agave*, virgin coconut oil*, coconut sugar*
Chocolate Girl traveled to France to work with amazing master François Pralus to make this - the world’s only Madagascar raw chocolate!
INGREDIENTS: raw cacao beans*, raw cashews*, coconut sugar*, virgin coconut oil*
The most romantic white chocolate crème filling infused with rose essential oil, damiana, pomegranate, and a whisper of cardamom.
INGREDIENTS: raw cacao beans*, raw cashews*, raw blue agave*, virgin coconut oil*, coconut sugar*, pomegranate*, aronia berry*, cardamom*, damiana*, Otto rose essential oil*
INGREDIENTS: raw cacao beans*, strawberries*, raw blue agave*, coconut sugar*, hibiscus*, fo ti*, Love.