Ostara Celebration Box

Ostara Celebration Box
The delivery of this Celebration Box is timed to greet Ostara - the Vernal Equinox - with a grand celebration ritual to welcome Spring. Take a moment to rejoice as Earth shifts its tilt, Mother Nature awakens from her Winter slumber, and flora and fauna of all species multiply in symbiosis and harmony.
Open your box on March 20th and pause to set intentions for this transition as you light the candle, liaise with the crystal, inspire the essential oils, arrange the altar pieces, imbibe the elixirs, and - of course - enjoy the chocolate!
Vanessa, who personally creates everything you see on our website, will be curating a celebration collection for every season; and this is the first! Let us turn our attention towards Mother Nature, strengthen our connection with her, and draw from her energy together!
Ostara is the Germanic Goddess who heralds the beginning of spring. She is the Maiden Goddess, full of potential, representing the opportunity of growth and rebirth after the stagnation of winter. There are several different translations of the meaning of her name:- East, dawn and morning light indicating the returning warmth of the sun's rays and the lengthening days. In Germany her warm nature is still marked by bonfires lit at dawn on the Spring Equinox. The Goddess was also known as Eostre.