We are so inspired by the story of a collective of 40 organic berry and grain farmers in Ukraine called AHIMSA (which, ironically, means non-violence), who are hosting 150+ refugees from Kharkiv on their farm and feeding the military to protect their right to live in harmony with nature on their land. We will match your donation to them!

/Ι™ΛˆhimˌsΓ€/ noun (in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist tradition) respect for all living things and avoidance of violence toward others.

β€œAll nature that surrounds us is alive and dynamic. She also feels, breathes, plays. And the relationship with her is an important source of energy of joy and life for every person. And so our team decided to start creating natural, organic food products that will carry not only physical purity and usefulness, but also bring peace, kindness and pure energy to life. Those become something more than just organic...”
— AHIMSA, a collective of Ukrainian farmers

We believe this group of individuals represents the best of humanity and ask you all to join us in donating to them! As their website checkout page does not translate to English for most browsers, we are collecting donations and will be matching your donations now through April 15th - we will make one large donation and deliver them the good karma they deserve!

We are using AHIMSA blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, as well as Ukrainian currants, elderberries, sunflower seed butter. In fact, we are creating new recipes specifically to feature these ingredients in our Ostara Collection.

AHIMSA Ukraine Donation!
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AHIMSA Ukraine Donation!
from $5.00

From AHIMSA’s website:

β€œEvery undertaking has a story behind it. And our case is no exception. Ahimsa is not just a brand, Ahimsa is a way of life!

From the ancient Sanskrit language, the word " Ahimsa " means " non-violence " or life in harmony with the environment. All nature that surrounds us is alive and dynamic. She also feels, breathes, plays. And the relationship with her is an important source of energy of joy and life for every person. And so our team decided to start creating natural, organic food products that will carry not only physical purity and usefulness, but also bring peace, kindness and pure energy to life. Those become something more than just organic...

Our fields are located in an ecologically clean area - a reserve, in Chernechenna, Magdalinsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region, where:
- each blade of grass is saturated with natural clean water of the Orel River - one of the cleanest rivers in Europe;
- there are no plants or factories within a radius of 100 km;
- the best soil in Ukraine and Europe;

All members of our team adhere to the internal moral principles of purity, such as: mutual support, good nature, strong spiritual relationships, mutual assistance. Everyone who participates in our production puts a piece of their heart into this project, which makes our product so unique - a product with a soul!

Guided by the principle of Ahimsa,  we cultivate the land not just organically (using only natural microorganisms and completely excluding all synthetic pesticides, herbicides, synthetic mineral fertilizers and growth regulators), but we also love it and take care of it with all our heart! It is this approach that gives something more than just products. Such products bring a person not only healthy and clean food to the table, but also a healthy and pure consciousness! 

  And of course, our quality is confirmed by recognized world certificates of organic quality:  Organic Standard, EU organic, NOP USDA (USA). 

st. Kanatnaya 12-A
Dnipro, Ukraine

Denis Pavlov
+380 (67) 009-01-08
