A Solstice Message
As the James Webb measures time and space in inconceivable billions of light years and peeks at a Universe impossibly close to the Big Bang…
The Winter Solstice is a moment when All This expresses itself in terms we humans can increasingly see and feel in the Here and Now. The Latin words for “sun” - “sol” and “sistere” - “to stand still” combine to form the word, “solstice.” The Winter Solstice is that celestial moment when our Earth crosses over to the other side of the sun. As the Earth's axis remains constant, her Northern Hemisphere begins tilting towards the sun rather than away. Almost imperceptibly, daylight arrives earlier and stays later. The weather warms, and today, the darkest day of the year, our Hemisphere begins its six-month journey to Earth's warmest and brightest day - the Summer Solstice.
On an even more tangible scale, Gnosis chocolates offer a similar choice of perspectives. We can enjoy - this moment - the infinite pleasures of their other-worldly tastes and aromas… and we can consider the alchemy of their life-enhancing nutritional elements as a template for our futures. In doing so, we accept William Blake’s invitation “To see the world in a grain of sand and Heav’n in a wild flower…,” modifying it only slightly: “To taste the world in a truffle gem and Heav’n in a cacao elixir…”
At Gnosis we always look to Nature for inspiration and example. Let’s all consider following the example of our Hemisphere today - moving towards the Light and the Spring. As our lives bloom more colorfully and our spirits rise, the warming brightness and love we feel inside is sure to be projected outside as we connect with Mother Nature and express our gratitude for the bounty of Her gifts!
Mamma Wonka and I want to project our profound gratitude out to you for sharing and supporting this Gnosis adventure. Many of your messages speak of Gnosis as being more than the chocolate, and that is our very intent.
We are so very grateful for your patronage, appreciation, and participation, and we are sincerely humbled to be part of your holiday celebrations… and beyond. We delight in imagining your reaction when you open your order and delight in what you find inside… even before you taste the treasures. We know from your photos and reviews - and re-orders! - the pleasure you experience when you do, and that is our greatest joy, as well as our larger mission. That mission includes enriching your lives even beyond the chocolate we are privileged to share.
Thank you for celebrating with us!