RAW INTEGRITY - February 29, 2011

To guarantee that the ingredients Gnosis uses are Raw, Vegan, Organic, and of the highest quality, I regularly return to my suppliers with increasingly in-depth questions, and put my hands in every stage of production at the farms and factories I visit to ensure the nutritional integrity that is the foundation of Gnosis.I continue to work with industry leaders to develop new and ever more effective ways to assure raw integrity, and I invite you to voice your concerns to merchants and their suppliers.

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RAW INTEGRITY - January 24, 2011


 The raw food diet ("raw:" food not heated above 118 degrees F) has been rapidly growing in popularity and visibility. I believe this way of eating has the potential to help our planet become a healthier and more peaceful place for ourselves, our children, and for future generations. In that spirit, Iโ€™m excited to communicate with you through the Raw Integrity Projectโ€™s updates, reports, and discussions. 

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